Democrats - stop asking who should run and concentrate on agreeing the platform
I am on the Democratic Party’s mailing list . I am being bombarded by requests to name my preferred candidate . It is the wrong question to be asking at this time . Eventually is matters who is carrying the standard into battle and it is a crucial question . A question which the Democratic party flunked last time by the way.
Who is the Democratic Party is the real question. Who will win the battle of principle
Right now, we have on the one hand the old guard , a party which Ralph Nader described as indistinguishable from the Republican War and Wall Street , that disastrously chose Hilary Clinton for 2016 . That choice lost the presidency , failed to turn the house or the senate and as a result lost the supreme court and many other liberal opportunities . These people are still powerful in the Democratic National Committee and have never expressed remorse for giving their super delegate votes to Clinton early and not wavering as the people moved towards Sanders.
On the other hand, we have a writhing mass of progressives who find it difficult to get their strategy clearly expressed in a way that is both honest are brave . They range from old fashioned European style liberal democrats to extreme left-wing Marxists .
The debate , though that word glories the standard of the fighting , is being conducted in sound bites and clichés . The practical reality of social democracy which is hard and expensive and far from perfect are not being properly addressed . The reality of a gentler kinder but still market driven and prosperous society that emerges in social democracy every day in many countries is not being painted .
Meanwhile the debate is being watched by a concerned American population that has an instinct for a compassionate society had very little education in how social democratic countries work . Their perspective is being warped by other watchers who are right wing conservatives who from a combination of ignorance and well orchestrated malice ignore the evidence of thriving social democratic countries and forecast an America sliding into a Venezuela like cesspool with the election of one progressive candidate
Democratic Party , if you don’t focus on your platform these right wing ignorant and malevolent arguments will defeat you .At some point of course you need to select a candidate who is strong , brave and likeable , who is not scared to go and talk to the red states . You don’t have to choose that person now . You do need to work out who you are NOW and start selling the ideas and practical solutions NOW
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