Time to "Plutorize" the small population States - Reform the Senate
There is conversation doing the rounds to abolish the electoral college because it distorts the popular vote.
It may make sense to do that but the grossest infringement of the democratic voice of the people is the structure of senate . I have a solution . It is time to “plutorize” the dwarf states .
The root of the problem is that all states get two senators and no more regardless of population. At its reductio ad absurdum level this means that a state with a population of 1 person would have two senators .
The construction of the senate is designed to maintain the idea that all states are equal which may have been true in 1787 , may still be something we want to consider but is clearly a distortion of pure democracy. The discussion needs to begin with a recognition of this reality.
The practical result is that today Wyoming with a population of 500 thousand people and Montana with about a million get 2% of the vote on deciding on supreme court and federal judges , ambassadors and cabinet members . The whole panoply of “advice and consent” in practice . That is the same 2% of the vote that tens of millions in California , New York or Texas get.
You only must look at the Tuesday night results to see that many millions more senate votes were cast for democrats, but the republicans picked up two senate seats. You cannot argue that this is democratic – you can construct other justifications but let’s stop pretending that it is democracy.
How can this make any sense in 2018 if there is any belief that the people should run the country . It is time to realize and act on the practical reality that the structure of the senate is distorting democracy
So, I have a modest proposal . Let’s “plutorize” the dwarf ( in terms of population) states . An alternative could be to add senators to larger states again based on population. The details need more discussion but the logic is clear if you believe in government by the people . Do we in fact believe in government by the people ?
Remember the most powerful words in the constitution are “we the people” and not “ we the vast empty spaces where few people actually live but where we have arbitrarily named as a state"
Sure, fix the electoral college but it is senate where Democracy is being structurally distorted every day and not just once every four years .
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